"Grammar is the study of the rules governing the use of a given natural language; it traditionally describes written language"
This blog was created in order to exchange ideas about English grammar teaching, as well as to analyze and study the different forms in which grammar can be taught

viernes, mayo 02, 2008

Grammar activities

Describing the PPP stages and integrating productive and receptive skills.

  • Teacher shows a set of visual to the students (whole class)

  • Teacher emphasizes that those are about the last holidays; showing them a cue word: “L A S T” and transmits the word meaning to the students by the implementation of body language and gestures.

  • Teacher starts giving them the first ideas of the past tense everything in affirmative by now and nothing written, the teacher points the visual and shows a cue word [a verb in past tense]

    Teacher I visited Cancun , I went there the last summer

  • Teacher points another visual and waits until students mention the activity described in the image. The teacher points all the visuals and shows the verb in pas tense every time the students mention it.


Had fun


  • Teacher repeats the activities she did on her last holidays using body language and pointing the verbs

    I rested on the beach
    I had fun with my friends
    I ate lots of junk food
    I Practiced sports
  • She encourages students to give the last 4 examples by pointing the visual, showing the cue word and eliciting ideas. ( Whole class / ss take turns)

  • After that and having all her examples covered she starts writing the examples on the board and make students help her with the example creation; students start mentioning their own examples and T guides them meanwhile
  • She gives some minutes for the students to copy the information and to process it. So far they have been receiving and processing the information just as Nunan states; after continuing in the exercise production, students need to process what they have just learned.
  • After, the teacher presents a listening exercise where the students will reinforce the tense and they will listen more ideas and by consequence more verbs and complements. (Individually)
  • They listen the conversation again and while they are listening they have to solve a fill in the blanks exercise; it is about past verbs and simple past structures. (Pairs)
  • After the exercise and the peer correction [mean while teacher monitors and guides] there is a linkage with the next exercise; there are some questions sticked on the board and they are requiring student’s information about their last vacation time.

  • Students are working in pairs, they read the questions and they answer them by following the model and taking into consideration the previous tasks.
  • After exchanging the required information, students have a new task; they are going to write about their last vacation time and they are going to add as many aspects as possible trying o have a purposeful writing (Byrne, 1991) and accomplishing the usage of productive skills.

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