"Grammar is the study of the rules governing the use of a given natural language; it traditionally describes written language"
This blog was created in order to exchange ideas about English grammar teaching, as well as to analyze and study the different forms in which grammar can be taught

viernes, mayo 02, 2008


Are the designers and creators of the following grammar activities

5 comentarios:

José Luis Martínez -- Pedro G. Alejandre dijo...

Hi Susana and Arely:
I consider you did an excellent job. The way you describe your lesson plan using the PPP model makes learning very easy and useful for learners. Besides, you went deeper being very specific with procedures, objectives and timing for each activity. I like how you made use of communicative use of language through role plays in order to make your students apply what they had learned into real situations.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us...!
José Luis Martínez Vilchis.

gris dijo...

Susy & Arely:
I'm a little confused. Almost all classes are of one hour but really we teachers count with only 50 minutes. Your time is very or extremely tight, I don't think that in one hour the affirmative, negative and even interrogative of the past tense can be seen. You mention that your students are in basic 1 but that already tecognize basic tenses. Do you mean that they previously learnt the past form of the verbs? Because in another comment you mention that your students start knowing simple past and the basic stages of the tense. I sincerely doubt that by the end of the class they can produce a role-play, there is not enough time for them to think.

A R E L Y dijo...

First the levels are of two months each, so in two months you can teach at least simple present, present continuous and almost at the end of the level simple past... there isn't very complicated at ll because they have a month and a half to practice, recognize and notice the present tenses and they are able enough to distinguish the difference between the tenses an to recognize their different usages.
well and about the time it's a whole hour: there you can take advantage of the group size... I mean we have a complete week -according with the sylabus- to cheack the grammar topic, so these are the first stages of it we will have a week or four days more to keep on checking the grammar topic by the time we recycle and integrate the old information.

Hortensia Valdés dijo...

Hi girls, I agree that teching grammar does not have to be boring, on the other hand, students have to be motivated to learn it in a meaningful way.Your grammar activities and your lesson plan are very clearly explained, however I have a question: are the grammar activities addressed for the same class you describe in your lesson plan? It seems to me that they are designed for different students.

kary dijo...

Hi girls,
I found your activities real well- planned and interesting. I'm certain the kids will love them. I'm not quite sure I'll do the same thing, but some learners do need this kind of presentation. I particularly like the way you made use of communicative activities by means of role-plays to make your students practice what they have learned. Congrats you did a great job! Keep it up! Octavio