"Grammar is the study of the rules governing the use of a given natural language; it traditionally describes written language"
This blog was created in order to exchange ideas about English grammar teaching, as well as to analyze and study the different forms in which grammar can be taught

lunes, marzo 31, 2008

About the students

A group of fifteen College students with very varied goals. Most of them in their early twenties and starting their college education; they are motivated about learning a second language and they are conscious about the great importance of English in their educational programs.

1 comentarios:

elvia dijo...

There´s an aspect which I consider that it´s so important. When the students realize that a second language is important they really appreciate all the knowledge that you share with them, but when the students have a previous problem with the second language is so difficult. You know there are some "teachers" that don´t teach, they just are in the classroom, and they spend time. And the students think and have the idea that all teachers are the same. but nnnooott. That´s why I consider that the success in a class depends of the teacher. He or she must be that the students feel comfortable and express their ideas without thinking in the mistakes, they realize little by little and they correct them.